Undur-undur (Myrmeleontidae) contain chemicals
that are good for the health
of somany used as
a cure various diseases by
humans. Both jellyfish that
exist on the ground or
that is life in
the sea. Although in
practice, the jellyfish army more
often used as a herbal medicine for
health. The
reasoning is due to the ease
in getting it,
wheremany army
of jellyfish live around the
grounds of the House. In
addition, Lions Lionsland has a
very powerful special content to
treat the disease. What
is the housing?
In the body
of the Ant-Ant army contain a sulfonylurea. The substance of
thissulfonylurea can launch a working pancreas in
producing insulin. Based
on the researchof known Tyas Kurniasih from GADJAH
MADA UNIVERSITY Yogyakarta entitled study
of a potential Lions Lions Land (Mrymeleon, sp) in
2006, these animals contain asulfonylurea. Work at sulfonylurea undur-undur launches a working pancreas wasproducing insulin. Because, when the
human insulin in the body decreases
blood glucose levels,
the imbalance occurs. In which insulin-producing energyas the
body continues to diminish. As
a result, the body susceptible
to disease. The
content of these substances are
the most forgiving to
address diabetes.
While at undur-undur (Emierita sp), research results Mursyidin dkk. (2003) showed
that the Lions-Lions contains a
fairly high total fat ranged
from 17,22-21,56%. The
content of total omega
3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA)
is also quite high, ranging
from7.75-14.48% compared to some other types
of Crustaceae like
shrimp, lobster, and
some kind of crab. While
the EPA (8.43 percent) 6.41-higher than the
content of DHA (1.34-6.57 percent). Total omega
6 fatty acid content
of his 12,94% consists of 11.11%linoleic acid and arakhidonat acid 1,83%, omega 6 fatty acid levels are higher
thanEmerita talpoida.
Based on the results
of such research, then the Lions Lions can
be consumed directlyby the people. However it
is reasonably need more
research about the nutritionalcontent of others,
such as minerals, proteins, and others. Also regarding
the content ofharmful compounds such
as heavy metals and
toxins naturally.
However, in
practice the Lions Lions had long
been famous as
one of the herbal remedy. Among the
most potent disease eradicated by undur-undur is diabetes.According to Penny
(1997), small
animals that can be found around the home-page of
that powerful sand lowers
blood sugar. Undur-undur has
the latin name MrymeleonSP. Was berkasiat lower
the blood sugar levels of
diabetics. It
is also reinforced by
conducted from GADJAH
MADA UNIVERSITY Yogyakarta Kurniasih Tyas (2006),in which these
animals contain a sulfonylurea. As written
before, the substance can
Penny even revealed
that lions lions have
long been known to
the Chinese communityfor the treatment of diabetes. Typically, undur-undur crude placed into capsules
with other herbal
ingredients and then swallowed. How alternative
medicine isnow starting to prey
for diabetic patients, because of more
affordable by the community. It
is not easy to
die even if it
had been sent out of town. In the
closedcondition placed plastic, undur-undur lingers origin there
is sand and ants. However,
to water kasiatnya will
be lost. In addition, undur-undur also should
not be eaten in a State of death. Jikan feel
disgust, patients can enter into empty capsules and
then eaten with encouragement of
What are
the side effects if you take this
animal is excessive or over dose?
Because it contains a sulfonylurea, then there
are the side effects of these substances individually to the
patient's body. According
to Sampurno (2003), side effects are
generally mild and low frequency, which are symptoms
of indigestion, channels such
vomiting, diarrhea. Channel interference can
be reduced by
reducing the cernadose, swallowed the medicine with food
or medicine divides in
several doses. Hematologik symptoms include thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia andagrunolositosis aplastik can
occur but are rare.
Hipoglikemi may
occur if the
dose is not appropriate
or too strict diet, as well as on the liver function disorders/kidney or in the elderly. Hypoglycemia often posed
by old workADO, even to a
comma. This reaction is more common in elderly patients with
impairedrenal function or hepar, mainly using material with a
long working period. In addition,
there is an arrangement of the central
nervous symptoms can
be confused, vertigo,ataxia, etc. Hypoglycemia can
occur in patients who do
not get the dosage just
eating enough or with
impaired function of hepar and/or kidneys.
Thus, undur-undur has a
nice chemical content to
treat disease diab. [herbal doctor]
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