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Disease Sinusitis

Understanding Disease Sinusitis
Sinusitis is derived from the word "sine" which means the cavity and "itis" means inflammation. Thus, disease Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the sinus cavity. Remember, sinusitis often found in patients with chronic runny nose due to allergies. The disease is also common in those who are exposed to irritant substances such as chemicals that enter through the nose. This disease can also be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. From some of these reasons, the principal reviews in this paper focuses on the discussion of sinusitis caused by infection.
Sinus or sometimes called the paranasal sinuses are air cavities contained in the solid portion of the skull around the face, which serves to lighten the tenggkorak bone. This cavity consists of four pairs of left and right. The frontal sinus is located in the forehead, while the maxillary sinuses located behind the cheek. Meanwhile, the sphenoid sinus and ethmoid sinus lies somewhat deeper in the cavity behind the eyes and behind the maxillary sinus. Sinus wall is mainly formed by fluid mucus-producing cells. Air into the sinus through a small hole that connects between the sinus cavity nasal cavity called ostia. If for any reason this hole clogged it will not air can enter and fluid mucus produced in the sinuses can not be excluded.

Causes of Sinusitis
Sinusitis can occur when there is a disturbance of the air flow and to the sinus cavity and disruption mucus discharge. The presence of fever, flu, allergies and irritants material can cause swelling of the ostia so this drainage holes become clogged and disrupt the flow of air sinuses and mucous discharge. Another cause of hopelessness ostia are tumors and trauma. Fluid drainage of mucus out of the sinus cavities could also be hampered by thickening the mucus fluid itself.
This thickening is caused by administration of an antihistamine drug, fibro cystic disease, and others. Mucus-secreting cells have tiny hairs (cilia) that always moves to push fluid out mucus from the sinus cavity. Cigarette smoke is the culprit of the destruction of fine hairs that become impaired mucus discharge. Fluid mucus that accumulates in the sinus cavity in the long term is a convenient place for life bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Types Of Disease Sinusitis?
Sinusitis can be divided into two major types are based on the duration of illness (acute, subacute, chronic) and based on the type of inflammation (infectious and non-infectious). Acute sinusitis is called when a disease duration of less than 30 days. Subacute sinusitis when disease duration between 1 month to 3 months, while chronic sinusitis when the disease affects more than 3 months. Sinusitis is usually caused by a viral infection although in some cases there is also caused by bacteria. While the majority of non-infectious sinusitis caused by allergies and irritation of chemical substances. Subacute and chronic sinusitis is often a continuation of acute sinusitis who do not get adequate treatment.

Symptoms of Sinusitis
Symptoms of sinusitis is the most common are headaches, pain in the face, and fever. Nearly 25% of patients will have a fever sinusitis associated with sinusitis suffered. Other symptoms such as pale, color changes in nasal mucus, nasal congestion, painful swallowing, and cough. Some patients will feel the headache becomes severe when the head lowered in the future. In sinusitis allergy sufferers will also experience other symptoms associated with allergy such as itching of the eyes, sneezing and sneezing.

Sinusitis Disease Diagnosis
Sinusitis disease can already be diagnosed mostly just based on history and physical examination of the patient's complaint, by physicians. This is also due to the examination using CT scan and MRI although providing more accurate results but the cost is quite expensive. On physical examination will reveal any redness and swelling of the nasal cavity, mucus-like pus, and swelling around the eyes and forehead.
Examination using a CT Scan and MRI newly required when sinusitis failed cured with initial treatment. Rhinoscopy, a way to look directly into the nasal cavity, is required in order to view the location of the blockage ostia. Sometimes it is necessary suction sinus fluid with a syringe for examination germs. This check is useful to determine the type of infection that occurs.

Treatment for Sinusitis Doctors
Approximately 60% of patients with sinusitis do not need to see a doctor because most cases are caused by viruses will disappear by itself. Sinusitis took about two to three weeks to heal completely. This condition is much longer than the common cold. If you suffer from mild sinusitis, drugs painkillers and decongestants will help reduce the symptoms.

Check with your doctor if your symptoms do not improve after a week of starting treatment, deteriorated or persistent back. For sinusitis are caused by a virus that is not needed antibiotics. Drugs commonly prescribed for viral sinusitis is pain relievers such as paracetamol and decongestants. Suspicious has happened sinusitis infection by bacteria when there are symptoms of facial pain, purulent mucus, and symptoms more than a week. Sinusitis bacterial infections commonly treated with antibiotics.
Selection of antibiotics based on the type of bacteria that most commonly affects the sinuses due to get really fit antibiotics should wait for the results of the bacteria culture which takes a long time. Five types of bacteria that most commonly infect the sinuses are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes. Antibiotics were chosen should be able to kill the five types of the bacteria.
Some options antiobiotika include amoxicillin, cefaclor, azithromycin, and cotrimoxazole. If there is no improvement in the five days it should be considered to give amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid. Antibiotics are recommended at least 10 to 14 days. Giving decongestants and mucolytics may help to expedite fluid drainage of mucus. In the case of chronic cases, can be considered conduct fluid drainage of mucus by surgery.

Complications Disease Sinusitis
Complications of sinusitis are very rare. When complications occur, the condition is more likely to infect children than adults. Sinusitis in children can cause cellulitis. Cellulitis is an infection that causes swelling of the eyelids and cheekbones. It is caused by the spread of bacteria on the skin or tissue cells. If symptoms appear, take your child to see a doctor. Maybe your child will be referred to see a specialist ENT. For cases of severe sinusitis, antibiotics are given to control the spread of infection to the surrounding bone.
Complications in acute sinusitis include:
 Triggering recurrence of asthma.
 The occurrence of chronic sinusitis or long term.
 If the infection spreads to the walls of the brain, can cause meningitis.
 The problem in vision. Reduced vision or even blindness.
 trigger the emergence of an ear infection.
Thus, sinusitis disease if treated early with appropriate treatment will be able to heal properly. Get to the doctor if you see the symptoms of sinusitis symptoms. If not, you can take precautions against the sinus disease with food ingredients and herbs. [Herbal doctor]

1 Response to "Disease Sinusitis"

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